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User instructions


User instructions for Missionary's room in Rebmann House,
Kirchstrasse 18, 70839 Gerlingen, Germany

Announcement for visits outside opening hours and booking for events

The calendar for Missionarsstube (Missionary’s room) is in charge of the parish office:
Gemeindebüro Ev. Kirchengemeinde Petrus und Lukas Gerlingen,
Kirchstraße 42 in 70839 Gerlingen, Germany
Phone +49 (0)7156 9201-0

Please contact the parish office for all questions related to bookings for private visits or events in the missionary's room .

Rebmann House is a listed building and because of that it’s a very special place. You can use this place and enjoy it, but there are some special rules which you find in this document.


The missionary's room can be used from companies or private individuals for events (eg. anniversaries, parties).
So everyone who sticks to these user instructions is welcome.
The missionary's room is small and cosy ... a visitor’s group should have maximum 12 to 20 people – depending on the kind of use. There are special rules for visits of student’s groups with their teacher. You can ask at the parish office for these user instructions.


You give a deposit (amount see paragraph below) to the parish office and pay additional

  • Up to 4 hours                                                                                 30,00 €
  • Up to 8 hours                                                                                 40,00 € 
  • per day                                                                                            60,00 €
  • From 5 bookings, one booking is free
  • Seating (optional)                                                                          35,00 €

For classes the visit is free. For weddings special terms of use  are valid. Please feel free to send us an e-mail.

Deposit – or donation

You give for private visits or events in missionary's room a deposit to the parish office Ev. Kirchengemeinde:

  • private individuals or small groups up to three persons 20 Euros,

This deposit will be returned when you give back the key to the parish office. Or you do a good deed: When filling out the Visitor’s registration form you can declare your deposit as a donation. In this case you will get a receipt for a donation to charity.

Visitor’s registration form and handing-over of key

Requirement for a private visit or another use of missionary's room is, that the applicant and contact is a person of age. This person has to make sure that things run according to the rules.
Before getting the key, the user has to fill the Visitor’s registration form in the parish office. The applicant’s address has to be filled in and he/she has to sign that
- he/she has got the key for the missionary's room ,
- he/she is liable if there will be damages through him/her or people of his/her group in or at the missionary's room or at things which are kept there,
- he/she will make sure that the ban on smoking will be followed,
- his/her identity card will be copied onto the Visitor’s registration form.

The users bind themselves to preserve the character of the house – especially the character of the the missionary's room. It’s not allowed to disturb the tenants or our neighbours.
After an event the rooms have to be cleaned and they have to be left not later than 10 pm.

Decorating and cleaning the missionary's room

The interior of the missionary's room can be decorated by yourself, like you wish it: You can place tables and chairs like you want. Coffee things, cutlery and water cooker are in the small kitchen.
You are not allowed to decorate walls, ceilings and fixtures or to use them for others than functional purposes or change them because of the protection of historic buildings
After your event you put everything to the place where it was before. You clean the used rooms and used kitchen tools, put tables and chairs to it’s places. Corridors and toilet have to be mopped up wet according to rules of hygiene.
the missionary's room will be checked for dirtying or damages after every private using or event from a representative of the foundation. Repairs/special cleanings will be charged to the account of the person who has signed the Visitor’s registration form.

Returning of the key

If your event ends after the office hours of the parish office ... no problem: You can put the key into the letter-box of the parish office which is just around the corner from Rebmann House ... You can pick up your donation on the next office day in the parish office. Or – for an administration charge of 5 Euros – the parish office can transfer the money to your account. You can fill in your bank account number in the Visitor’s registration form.

A special experience in a special atmosphere

You see ... we are very concerned for keeping well missionary's room in the listed Rebmann House and that’s why we have set up some rules. We hope, that many generations of visitors can feel the special atmosphere of an event in our missionary's room. Thank you for your support and using the room and treating it carefully.

Johannes Rebmann Foundation,