Reverend Stange (1835 to 1865 reverend in Gerlingen)
"... never saw a parish in which exists such a ardent desire for the pure, lutheran, apostolic word."
The first missionary from Gerlingen was Jakob Maisch, who went in 1821 to India.
Other men and women from the small farmer's and vintner's village Gerlingen followed him and went to far away mission fields. The Missionarsstube (Missionarie's room) in Rebmann House is dedicated to all the missionaries from Gerlingen:
Last name, christian name (life dates) of current missionaries from Gerlingen:
Mr. Hauff, Eckhardt (*1944)
Mr. Hoprich, Hans-Georg (*1955)
Mr. Klein, Dieter (*1950)
Mr. Rathlef, James (*1896, †1988)
Mr. Rathlef, Reinhard (*1939)
Mr. Rathlef, Winfried (*1932, †2016)
Mr. Rometsch, Gotthold (*1940)
Ms. Sarbach, Angela, née Rathleff (*1947)
Ms. Triebel, Renate, née Rathleff (*1949)