"African Impressions" - "The making of Kenyade"

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A little story from Herbert Werz,
and nearly like a fairytale ...


Once upon a time there was A no lo ve yo ma (a not longer very young man),
who travelled a long, long time ago to a far away country which filled him with enthusiasm. He felt so well there that from this time on he stayed every year many weeks there.

Back in his homeplace he spoke to all his friends and went into raptures about his experiences. His enthusisam was contagious. Yes, and then he took all of his friends with him to the journey - to the country with the last big mammals, in the wild, and its always happy people.

They all are infected now and have the Africa-Virus in themselves.

A no lo ve yo ma (the not longer very young man) wanted to take much more people with him to that far away country, into that paradise, but he didn't know how and so he got very sad.

But one day he met a wizard, a musical artist, and he gave him new hope.

At his next trip to Africa he took the wizard with him. And he hoped, that the Africa-Virus will work at him, too. Experiences with elephants  - close to the tents, contact with snakes and scorpions, bird's singing in two voices ... Then the move of a whole tribe because of  water shortage. And generally ... the nonchalance of the people and their dealing with the nature.  Yes, especially the dances of the Massai an other tribes fascinated and inspired the music wizard. The  Africa-Virus was working ...

Now A no lo ve yo ma was able to tell his dearest wish and to ask the music wizard for taking this country in a musical shape with home. And he said  "Yes". The Kenyade was born!

From now on was spoken about everything that was felt, noticed, seen and heard. It was written down, put into notes, wrapped and brought to you today, into Gerlingen's Stadthalle. The wizard made A no lo ve yo ma very happy.

His desire got reality, and a fairytale got true ...!!!

(Herbert Werz on 4th of dec. 2005 at the intro to the concert "African Impressions" in Stadthalle Gerlingen, Germany.)

Imprint Contact: info@johannes-rebmann-stiftung.de