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Johannes Rebmann means a lot for a many people. Here some of them have their say.

In Gerlingen "every child" knows Johannes Rebmann. Teacher Barbara Rometsch teaches since more than 30 years local studies. Her pupils in group Klasse 3 c of Pestalozzi-School know: "Johannes Rebmann was a missionary from Gerlingen. The house where he was born is in Kirchstraße and everyone can visit it. He saw snow at Kilimanjaro, but first no-one believed him because it's so hot in Africa. The Africans didn't know snow and thought there would be silver on the mountain. They wanted to carry it down from the mountain, but when they came down to the valley the snow was smelt. And many people died from the cold temperatures. That's why they thought, the mountain is under a curse.
Hariolf Schenk, born 1957 in Gerlingen: "Since I had heard at school in the local studies about Johannes Rebmann it was my dream to hike once in my life on Kilimanjaro. I remember that every time when I pass in Gerlingen the gazelle monument from Fritz von Graevenitz. I hope very much that my dream will get true one day ..."
A Delegation from Kenya who was for a visit of the Church Congress in Cologne in Germany, was invited by Matthäus Parish and came to Gerlingen to visit Rebmann House. The guide of the party that consisted of representatives of different protestant churches in Kenya, said: "The visit is for us nearly as important as a trip to Mekka for Moslems". In Kenya Rebmann is still well-known and eminently respectable.

Photo impressions of the delegation's visit in Gerlingen you can find here...  

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